This basic range is a sweet spot between performance, features and price. Customers and professional installers are offered plenty of choices to manage all kind of AV installations, including concealed wirings and a comprehensive power supply. Our hard work and dedication resulted in a number of rewarding design refinements that truly set these products above the majority of competitors within a wide price bracket.
A combination of CAFPE® conductor insulation and SDB dielectric binding, which is a 2-layer opposite X-Cross PTFE tape winding sets a benchmark for a strikingly low dielectric loss and keeps it at the forefront of the same class competition. Due to the latest modification of high precision tooling, used for CAFPE® extrusion consistent structural uniformity and homogeneity of each insulation layer have been obtained.
With regard to vibration damping, which is a critical influence on the audio band, we have introduced the innovative Combined 2-layer SPVC jacket with the air-foamed inner layer. Such a jacket exemplifies long-term dielectric stability and excellent vibration absorption, as well as resistance to external stress and enviable flexibility. Ergonomic Special NG connectors guarantee enhanced signal integrity and full compatibility.
Although Special cables occupy the affordable end of our product line-up, they are fully competitive with far more expensive alternatives, as well as outclass their predecessors in every regard. Increased definition and immediacy at all frequencies turn into a compelling and tangible presentation with the finesse of the subtlest passages.