Standard copper cables incorporate the finest materials and components, most of them Russian-made, that prove to be unmatched in the industry: BRC conductors, SPVC (special PVC elastron) with excellent dielectric and mechanical qualities, purely organic dyes with the exact SPVC molecular matching and classier connectors.
CAFPE® (Combined Air-Foamed Polyethylene) insulation is a key determinative feature here. It surpasses other insulators widely used in the industry and is what really elevates Standard series as a whole. Substitution of solid PE with the foamed one converts into a significant decrease of cable’s distributed capacitance and signal attenuation.

With an impressive step up in performance the revamped Standard products confidently outstrip mass-market alternatives, fitting seamlessly into a wider range of Multimedia devices. Any system, wired-up with Standard cables acquires our trademark tonal accuracy, favoring cohesion and musicality over analytic excessiveness.